Feb 2024

 Heraclitus famously said : no man can bathe in the same river twice.

But what if we actually just never come ashore ?

Don’t we just enter the stream of life and travel down this river through ever changing sceneries and horizons? Aren’t we just like crafty beavers reckoning with this force by trying to build stable and secure dams until the stream takes hold of us again? Busily and naively believing that one of those dams will be definitive and a shore of arrival is the qualm of human existence… and yet the stream always wins. As it must.

At least that’s what it felt like to me this past year.

A year of torrential change where the only constant was my continuous attempt to bring it to canvas. I moved countries twice, fell in love and witnessed my body change in the most miraculous of ways.

The majority of these paintings were created during the last months of my pregnancy and the month right after birth… I dare say I know a little bit of what Heraclitus was talking about now.

If we submerge and re-emerge from the waters as a continuous baptism to life or if we travel the currents of change down the river … it all leads to the same conclusion: la vida fluye sin cesar.